Premier 800F






在加拿大製作 -  Paradigm Speakers

在加拿大製作 - Paradigm Speakers






獲得專利的Active Ridge技術(ART™)環繞聲

Premier採用Paradigm專利的Active Ridge技術(ART)環繞,內部製作並直接包覆成型到每個低音單元和中音錐體上。這種設計實現了更大的偏移,輸出增益為3dB,失真減少了50%。採用注塑熱塑性彈性體製成,ART環繞更耐用,更可靠,確保終身卓越的聲音。





Product Price
設計 頻率響應軸上 低頻擴展 靈敏度室/消音
Premier 800F
4驅動器,3路低音反射,落地式 從43 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB 27 Hz(DIN) 92 dB / 89 dB
Premier 600C
6驅動器,3路無源散熱器低音反射中央通道 從60 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB 40 Hz(DIN) 94 dB / 91 dB
Premier 700F
4驅動器,3路低音反射,落地式 從45 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB 33 Hz(DIN) 91 dB / 88 dB
Premier 500C
4驅動,3路聲懸浮中心通道 從73 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB 47 Hz(DIN) 92 dB / 89 dB
Premier 200B
2個驅動器,2路低音反射書架 從68 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB 45 Hz(DIN) 90 dB / 87 dB
Premier 100B
2個驅動器,2路低音反射書架 從68 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB 50 Hz(DIN) 90 dB / 87 dB


設計 4驅動器,3路低音反射,落地式
交叉 2.5 kHz(高音/中音)和700Hz(中/低音揚聲器)的二階電聲
高頻驅動器 1英寸(25毫米)X-PAL™圓頂,鐵磁流體阻尼/冷卻,穿孔相位對準高音揚聲器(PPA™)鏡頭
頻率響應軸上 從43 Hz到25 kHz的±3dB
頻率響應30°偏軸 從43 Hz到20 kHz的±3dB
中頻驅動器 6-1 / 2英寸(165毫米)環繞著碳纖維聚丙烯錐體。穿孔相位對準(PPA™)透鏡
低頻驅動器 兩個6-1 / 2英寸(165毫米)ART™環繞碳纖維聚丙烯錐體
靈敏度室/消音 92 dB / 89 dB
低頻擴展 27 Hz(DIN)
合適的放大器功率範圍 15 - 250瓦
最大輸入功率 180瓦
阻抗 兼容8歐姆
尺寸HXWXD 41.5“×9.125×13.75”(105.3cm×23×35cm)
重量 53.4磅(24.2千克)
飾面 Gloss Black, Gloss White, Espresso Grain MK 2


揚聲器盒Premier 800F YouTube視頻




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Ian Gardner
|August 28, 2023
Bought a pair of Premier 800F to replace my worn out ancient PSB 40MkII's to go with my new Marantz PM8006 integrated amp! After the break in period and hours of listening I am confident that my purchase was well worth it. I bi-wired/bi--amped these speakers and the sound is so clean and clear. I was initially concerned about the bass extension when I first hooked them up, but after breaking them in, it is not an issue at all. I use these speakers for music only [Blues, Country, Classic Rock, Jazz] and Bass is more than adaquate for pleasureable listening levels. I have also had the pleasure of hearing hidden details in my music collection through these speakers, that I had not noticed before. Ordering on line directly from Paradigm's website was quick, easy and the speakers were delivered in great shape, in a timely manner to my door. My friends [one a musician] are shocked at the quality and sound of these Canadian speakers and their price point! I'm not technically attuned or nor able to speak critically of every nuance of a speakers specific tonal atributes like die hard "audiophiles," I just know that I like music and I demand good sound and quality Equipment. In my humble opinion, these speakers more than hold their own against others I've heard that cost way more.
Royce Wilkins
|November 29, 2020
Well I was in the market to replace my Yamaha RX-595, found a replacement thanks to Entertainment Expressions help obtaining my Yamaha R-N803. After realizing the new stereo was much more clear, heard more music, and the overall change in sound, then I figured I needed to replace my Pioneer CS-R570 3 ways 25+ years of pounding them. Thanks to Jeff at Entertainment Expressions I got a few 3 way options to look at. They let me play really hard a set of F700's in the store to see what a lower set were like with my range of music. In the end between the two brands I was looking at I opted for the F800's versus another brand due to the Bass of these versus the larger woofers with a higher low end.. So far I have really been very happy with these F800's even with the smaller woofers. But also thanks to Jeff making sure I knew to allow them to break in has resulted in better bass and overall sound. Only thing that upset me was that you offered $400 off within a few days of my purchase. Do to Jeff's recommended options I did end up with these and glad about it. I am considering a second pair while you have a sale. To anyone that likes Natural Stereo music @ 100 W RMS .019 THD set to flat on EQ/dials, these are a great match for my Rock, Bach, Motzart, Tool, ZZ Top, Lorenna McKennitt, Michael Jackson, Santana The Righteous Brothers, Starship, Steve Miller Band and Jethro Tull to give you a range. May not be what you want for heavy bass, get a sub add on. I am amazed at the clean clear extra sound I get from these, I can actually much better hear the strum of a guitar string or any other instrument. I thought my old system was great and it was, but clearly technology has upped that massively. These I can turn up loud enough to hurt my ears, not distort, and not make me think I will break them as I did many times on my previous RX-595.It was only 80 W RMS .019 THD and it shelled many lesser speakers, only those Japanese Pioneers took the beating If I were to complain it is the sale program and that the tweeter side is a tiny bit overbearing, while mid seams at times over run. Seriously, minor complaints, except sales promos "major complaint". Awesome match to my Yamaha! Thanks to your staff and Entertainment expressions for introducing me, Royce