All About Sound: Sound That Paints A Thousand Pictures

What is it about Paradigm loudspeakers that makes them worth your consideration?
First, there's the variety of application solutions we offer. From innovative weatherproof exterior speakers, to virtually invisible custom built-in models, to compact high performance home theater systems and our traditional, full-on audiophile towers and bookshelves. No matter what you're looking for, from outdoor sound to thrilling home theater systems to pure and natural stereo, Paradigm loudspeakers are the perfect performance-value solution.
Second, there's our technology. From materials to construction, design to engineering, our technology is innovative, proprietary and often patented. Plus, it's technology that transcends price. You won't find this level of technology in any other loudspeaker at Paradigm prices.
Third, there's our science. Our superior sound quality is the direct result of our ongoing program of fundamental audio research, which goes all the way back to the beginning of our company. No other loudspeaker company tests and measures, and re-tests and re-measures, their science like Paradigm. And we do it in one of North America's largest and most advanced speaker manufacturing facilities.
Science-based, technology-backed, high performance audio solutions at surprising prices make Paradigm a great choice when considering loudspeakers.
That would probably be enough to get your attention, but we've gone further. We've integrated over 30 years of groundbreaking audio innovations and audiophile performance ambitions to produce one of the best new performance-value loudspeakers ever: Persona.
One glance affirms that Persona is a striking new direction for Paradigm. With its wicked enclosure shape and palette of custom finishes, it's like no other Paradigm speaker ever. Its incredibly precise, utterly transparent performance is the pinnacle of modern loudspeaker technology. Persona's luxury is obvious. And its price point is surprising.
Best of all, the success of Persona (it's a smash hit with professional audio reviewers the world over) means that Persona technology and innovation trickles down into every Paradigm speaker line and audio solution.
For the finest in music and home theater performance, at the best possible price, don’t settle for less than the spectacular sound of Paradigm, today's loudspeaker of choice for even the most critical listener.
Click around in this section of our website for more information about the science of sound and how Paradigm engineers and designers harness it to produce some of the best audio products on the market.